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Hi! I'm Lacey and I love to read.

I’ve loved to read for as long as I can remember. As a child, I used to create my own “bookies”( which mostly consisted of drawings), and aspired to be an author. I still do. 

For me, books open up worlds of wisdom on humanity, history, our earth, our imaginations, our different perspectives, and so much more. I pick up every book with the  intention to learn something.


I love books that make me think - ones that feed me lessons or give me tools to apply to my own life, to grow as an individual. By virtue of this, I mostly read nonfiction - History, Biographies, Autobiographies, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Business, Self-Help, Travel & Adventure - you get it. I will read fiction if they are acclaimed novels such as Fahrenheit 451, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Alchemist, etc.; or from authors who offer rich cultural and/or historical takeaways such as Ernest Hemmingway. Otherwise, Romance, Science Fiction, Murder Mysteries, Fantasy, etc. are just not my bag.


My intention with this blog is to sharpen my writing, and to connect with other like-minded individuals who also love to read and have a growth mindset. Let’s connect! We all have value we can share with each other.


I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and book recommendations! Subscribe below!


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